This app is lots of fun and sound great
This app is lots of fun and sound great
Incredibly powerful with such a small interface to work with. Definitely a worthy purchase.
This app is great. Take the time to dig in and you will be creating tunes in no time. Highly recommend!
Got this app a couple days ago. Didnt quite understand it at first. Put a little thought into it. Its beautiful. Put in a pattern, automate it, get it to sound how you want. The price is so good for what youre getting. Its like a Korg Monotribe in the digital domain, but it has a pattern sequencer, so its like a Korg DS-10. Just get it.
First off, really enjoy using this app. Always have. Theres a staccato feel to the loops that isnt quite like anything else Ive played with that makes for cool underpinning tracks when you need a little something extra or some movement. Complaints comparing it negatively to apps like Figure are missing the point and likely coming from users without much audio experience (though I could be wrong.) Theyre both basic sequencing grooveboxes of a sort The feature set in TriqTraq is deeper than Figure and that gets complicated by its layout as well: its workflow is comparatively wonky and unintuitive, but it doesnt need to be. For example, lets say I want to demo a new drum kit; in Figure you just swipe horizontally between kits, but in TriqTraq Id need to hit Kits, then go into the drumkit subcategory, pick a kit, hit load, and then one more button toggle to make sure its in Preview mode. Yall *could* do away with both the load prompt AND the need to re-select Preview and it would be a subtle but huge improvement. (Granted, the kit controls are more granular in TriqTraq; you cant load individual voices in Figure and you can in TriqTraq. That still shouldnt require so much toggling.) Theres a lot packed in here and it mustve been difficult to get it all in there with the design constraints facing Universal apps - and this is definitely not the worst UI or workflow Ive seen, nowhere close. A mere 10 to 15% in workflow decluttering would probably lead to a 50-75% increase in personal use. Would also like to see more and more interesting/unusual FX plus automation. Cross-kit sidechaining or choke on assigned voices for instance, it glitchy stuff - more than the standard verb/delay offerings. If theyre good enough Id IAP them. A fun app worth checking out. One of the better beatboxes for iOS.
With TriqTraq, its fun to quickly create head-bobbing grooves and extend them into songs. Not only do I use the app, I now use TriqTraqs workflow when Im on my hardware sequencers. Its like TriqTraq "gets" me. And Im glad I got TriqTraq!!!
So, TriqTraq is not a "new" app - its been around since 2012. But theyve continued to update it and some new features like IAA and "Open In" capability caught my attention in Sept. 2014. The immediate thought I had upon loading the app and playing it was that this app "solves" a lot of the frustrations I had regarding iMaschine, which is an excellent beatbox/groove app that hogs up a ton of memory and leaves you with zero realistic options for exporting your patterns (no AB, IAA, or ACP). TriqTraq, by contrast, is designed to get you to work quickly, and to export your beats any way you like. The onboard samples are surprisingly good, especially for an app that is $2.99 and just shy of 27 MB. But you can also import your own samples in a variety of ways, and save them as kits. There are some criticisms you could make of the app - it does steer you towards traditional 4/4 EDM/Pop styles of music, and you can only program one instrument per step, though you can have tracks A through D playing different things on that step, so there are workarounds. But the app sounds great and makes it very convenient to craft simple grooves with the included beats, basses, and leads. Great effects and interface, too.
Ive never used an app more. This is the best music app Ive come across. I use it as my drum machine in my band, and am always happy with the possibilities it creates! Buy this app NOW.
I love this app on my iPhone, and finally I can use it on my iPad, also. IAA is a major plus! Thanks! Love it!
Great Fun. Lots of surprises in a small interface that is easily manipulated to produce unique songs and sounds quickly and easily. Doesnt skimp on creativity. Waiting to see how the developer integrates it more with the rest of the ios musical app zoo.
Its such a lovely piece of software to sketch out loops and have fun. After loading in my own sounds, Ive found myself using it more seriously in my proper tracks. Its a joy to use, the filter is really buttery and full of character, and the speed with which Im able to put things together is really profound. Thank you for this update, and for an all around superb app!
omg, i still love this app.glad to see updates..awesome layout which is easy to use and makes sense but at first might have u scratching head.. it calls itself a groovebox but this beats the hell out of the crappy grooveboxes roland put out lol..i will use this app forever
I didnt know what to think about this app before I purchased it. It looked real interesting but I wasnt sure that I understood all it was capable of doing. But, man, I am so incredibly glad I made this purchase, because this is now the most treasured beat-making app that I own! While I do think that the name of the application is a bit odd (no offense to the developer). It really doesnt matter because I think what you are able to accomplish with the application is just incredible and so much fun. You are given a grid of sample pads to play, a step editor, a speed-range option, swing option, an overall Delay function, BeatsPerMinute meter, wonderful FX options that I believe can help to radically transform your current sound, unbelievably high quality samples to load as you please and a whole lot more. And the samples are truly amazing in my opinion. Reading in the description that you are given 350+ sound samples to work with, well, this was one of the many reasons that I decided to buy the application. But, I just had no idea before buying that they were going to be so awesome, so diverse and of such a high quality. It feels like these samples were designed specifically for me because they are the type of diverse and crazy good sounds that I absolutely love to create beats with. You get lots of kicks, snares, hihats, shakers, string/piano/synth keys, toms, FX, bass and just a ton more. One thing that always irritates me to no end when I find a music creation app like this that I really enjoy. Is that generally the developers always skimp big time on the default samples. But, as I said, having the 350+ included here is just wonderful and I am so grateful that the developers understood how important having that is in one of these types of applications. Plus, you are able to record or import your own sounds through the recording feature (which I still do not get how that recording button works in the application?), through iTunes or through the Audiocopy function. Which the latter is a feature available in pretty much all of your top-tier music-making applications offered in the App Store. This feature allows you to record and copy any type of sound and transfer it to any other Audiocopy compatible app. You also thankfully have the wonderful and highly useful, "Open In", function when you go to export your beats, which thank you so much for that feature as well. As for something else I do not fully comprehend how to use at the moment. The Pattern section where you can switch between new patterns, well, I dont really understand how you can have one pattern play after another, or if that is even possible or not? In the end, though, I believe that this incredible music tool takes some functions offered by other music apps and improves upon them and brings a whole bunch of wonderful new features to the table as well. And I think that anyone from a music novice to a seasoned professional would be able to find a whole lot to love about this really powerful music program. I know for a fact that all of my time spent in many separate music apps previously. Will now be entirely focused on this one single program because it, in my opinion, just offers everything that I could ever need or want in one single place. My sincere thanks and gratitude to the developers of this application for all of the time, hard work and effort that you no doubt poured into this tool to make it as great as it currently is in my opinion. iPad Air 2/ iOS 8.3 iPhone 6 Plus/ iOS 8.3 P.S. If you ever get around to it, I would very much appreciate some kind of user manual for this application please (preferably offered on your website if you have one, where I can download and save a PDF copy of it please.) Also, may we please have an option to export our beats in a 24-bit format, as well as the default 16-bit format please? Thanks again and and God bless.
This app managed to find the perfect balance of form, function, fun, inspiration, ease of use, and high end compositional possibilities. It looked unimposing at first and after 10 minutes I was lost in compulsive sampling, seqing, and grooming. It quickly became my most used app and on the topic of quickness, I felt like Id been using it for years after about 5-10 minutes . Brilliant
I have pure love for this app. Once you start to learn its functions (its not hard) a whole world of sequencing opens up that only a genius could have envisioned. I have only had it for a day, but that is all I needed to conclude that this app is absolutely top-notch.
It is hard to tear myself away from this one. They are also a first rate company that cares about their work and their users.
This is an amazing app for producing music. Im a music producer and I use Ableton for my D.A.W. I bought this app because it was featured on the Ableton Link webpage and it is my new favorite music production app. This works great for Link but its best as a standalone sequencer, the sounds are top quality and you can export directly to soundcloud(or by email) which makes this app amazing on its own! This is a must have app for any music producer, especially if you use Ableton!
Just buy it!
This app is so hot you just dont know how to use it you want everything to be very easy like a baby its pretty easy you just have to know how to use it ,this is one of the best app its better then the MPC thank you very much for this app love DJJOHNNYT N.Y.
Based on the reviews and a couple of audio samples, TriqTraq seemed like a no brainer to buy. That said, and after messing around with the app for about an hour, I would have done better saving my money. Going on 4 years now and the developer still can only think iPhone/iPod!? ...only 1/2 of one orientation? Seriously? Many iPad cases only have landscape orientation. Worse yet, TriqTraq only supports the home button down portrait position so I cant even rest my iPad in my lap without disconnected the power cable to use the app. I think Skram is designed better and its UI is intuitive. This developer needs to get off their tail and finish TriqTraq and make it a serious music instrument and not just a sound gizmo. The developer was lazy deciding not to give the preset sounds meaningful names instead of useless names like 75 synth presets simply called Synth1-Synth75! Again, seriously? Thats next to useless forcing you to have to listen to each one making it impossible to find anything quickly. Ridiculous! I find the U/I not very intuitive and at times just plain confusing. The UI mechanics distracts from the music creation process.